
  • Release date : Apr 30 2018 - 14:06
  • View : 1496
  • Visitor : 53
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Celebrating Fajr Festival with the presence of the universities international students

On February 5, 2018 for the thirty-ninth anniversary of the Islamic republic revolution, the International Affairs of the university in cooperation with the Supreme Leader's Office of the university, led a cultural student program with the familiarity of the international students of the university with the achievements of the Islamic Revolution.

This program was attended by the university's Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, the Head and Deputy of the Supreme Leader's Office of the university, the cultural advisor and the First Secratory of the Embassy of Afghanistan, a group of international students of the university at different academic levels and a group of university staff visiting the Palace of the Sa'd Abad Museum, and the house of Imam Khomeini. This tour was to acquaint students with the origin of the Islamic values ​​of the revolution and with the speech of Dr. Kushki about the character of the ruling state before the Islamic Revolution, the Imam and the current status of the ruling community continued, and finally with the reception and the awards were given to the students.


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  • News code : 58085